Poem: The Darkness that Lurks in the Dark

Poet: Temba Musaka

Darkness is not just a state of affairs but more importantly, it is a presence; of whimsical creatures that pervade the crevasses of sanity. Darkness is more than just a color! It is a tangible space of cognitive wars.

I have learned to metabolize it, to behold and harness it, to make sense of it, and to master it.

In the solitude and absence of companionship and unfrequented space; it has nestled its roe in my lair, only to hatch fingerlings in a huff, its eggs never run out of fetuses!

At each turn, I find a confluence of creatures. They crawl out from every fissure, the fracture in my grey matter is the milt, and the state of being lonely is the roe,

I perceive the darkness all around me, trying to entrap me in my disequilibrium.

It is the conjectures that are anecdotal, the thoughts mired in a quagmire, prejudiced at every concave. Being different means alienation, reticent I become, my cognitive, my solace, calligraphy my detox, Lexicons my nightmare, my allegorical epigrams, and aphorisms are an attempt to bring homeostasis

A psychical trip to the backyard of banishment, A disturbance in the higher cortexes,  I have zilch social skills, I blossom in solitude and thrive on melancholy, alas, unwittingly!

But then;  Autistic is artistic!

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