Nude Pics Get Judge in Soup

By Gaddaffi Wells

HIGH Court judge justice James Mabhikwa whose nudes and information over his alleged sexual escapades with his office staff were leaked, faces the chop after President Emmerson Mnangagwa opened a tribunal over his suitability to hold office.

After the scandal, the Judicial Service Commission wrote to President Mnangagwa asking him to establish a tribunal to look into his suitability to continue holding office.

Mnangagwa through SI 170A appointed a three-member tribunal which will be chaired by Retired Justice Mamphios Cheda, and will include Chaka Mashoko and Phillipa Magnify Philips to investigate the question for removal from office of Honourable Justice James Mabhikwa over allegations of gross misconduct.

After pictures and chats allegedly from the judge’s phone went viral, inquiries were made for the removal from office of the judge as he was in clear violation of the law.

The Tribunal which on June 15 will be expected to produce a report at the end of the inquiry regarding the matter of removal from office of Honourable Justice Mabhikwa.

In its terms of reference, the tribunal will also be expected to investigate any other material which it may deem inappropriate and relevant to the question of removal from office of a judge according to the law and to recommend whether the Honourable Judge is fit to hold office in light of the foregoing.

President Mnangagwa said the report will be expected within a period of three (3) months from the date of swearing-in of the Members and directed that the inquiry shall be held both in public or in private as the urgent need of the Tribunal may determine.

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