Kathy Mwanza, Founder & Managing Director Of Cake Fairy In Conversation With Trevor
In this week's episode Trevor sits with Kathy Mwanza, Founder &Managing Director Of Cake Fairy. They discuss how she quit her Insurance Job of 8 years at First Mutual to be an entrepreneur, turning a hobby into an actual business, discovering her purpose along the way and challenges she faced having a daughter at 19, working part-time and going to school at the same time. They also discuss how she learnt everything about business at her first job at an Optical Centre, failures that have humbled her in life, the services each business offers- Cake Fairy, Cake Designs, Fairy Cafe and many more....
TV Shows: Documentary
Country: International
Release: 2024-10-14
Duration: 52:07
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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