#BookClubSessions – Evetry 101 Poems for Her Review

#BookClubSessions –  Evetry 101 Poems for Her Review

With a day left to wrap up global events that mark the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence, we hope the momentum continues to march forth relentlessly towards a violent and abusive free society for women, girls, men, and boys.

We continue to celebrate women through a conversation with author and librarian Nathaniel Z Ndlovu whose new book Evetry. 101 poems for her, is an intimate poetry anthology written for and to all daughters of Eve. It is the author’s version of the seance that is love, the requited and unrequited; the newly found and the forgotten; the utopic and the immortal. It is the words never said and the words said too often too. Ideally, Evetry is the ultimate literary gesture any well-organized mind can give to that special woman. It’s everything she means to hear. Having studied Library and Information Science it will also be interesting to hear what Nathaniel thinks of the digital age and its impact on libraries.

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