GBV and The Effects of Covid-19

COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown period exacerbated cases of gender-based violence. However, while the entire globe was being ravaged by the pandemic a lot of writers took the opportunity of the long spells due to quarantine and self-isolation to dive deep into their creative depths and use literature in raising awareness about topical issues such as gender-based violence. Gender-based violence has been known to largely affect women however continuous analyses show that men are also part of the statistics and that children to a certain extent also are affected by the psychological trauma fuelled by gender-based violence in the home setup.

On book Club Sessions this week we talk to contributors of a book titled ‘Umdlavunza Wenhlala Kahle a book that is a blend of both male and female authors who have skilfully illustrated the various types of abuses within the society at large, be it couples or in families, be it, men or women.

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